The 8 Limbs of Yoga
The 8 limbs of Yoga also known as Patanjali’s ‘Pathway to Bliss’ is a series of disciplines and philosophies that dive deeper into the root of Yoga, rather than just the physical practice of Yoga as we know it in the Western world.
Below are some videos, where I explain the 8 limbs of Yoga in the clearest way possible - hopefully these are a fun watch for you all & a way to understand the Yogic lifestyle…
An introduction to the 8 limbs of Yoga
1. Yama: Disciplines towards others - how we interact with those around us.
2. Niyama: Disciplines towards ourselves
3. Asana: Our physical postures
4. Pranayama: Breath awareness
5. Pratyahara: Meditation/the withdrawal of senses
6. Dharana: Intense concentration
7. Dhyana: Flow state
8. Samadhi: A state of ecstasy & bliss
Patanjalis Yoga Sutras Book:
Lesson 1: Yamas
What are Yamas?
The external influences - ways to connect and interact with the external world from an ethical and authentic place.
- Being mindful of our thoughts
- Thinking before we say things out loud
- Treating others & ourselves with love & kindness
- Being honest with ourselves & others
- Remembering that we are not our thoughts
- Speaking with truth
- Living in alignment with our own truth & authenticity
- Letting go of the need for material/artificial needs
- Not taking more than we need
- Understanding that everything we need is already within us
- Using our energy in the right way & not doing things that don’t feel right for us
- Directing our energy into meaningful habits rather than self-sabotaging habits
- Not just focusing on the outcome, also learning to enjoy the journey
- Finding enjoyment out of the ‘boring’ things
Lesson 2: Niyamas
What are Niyamas?
Niyamas are the rules, disciplines & observations towards ourselves.
- The clearing of impurities in our mind, letting go of bad habits or negative thoughts
- Physical clearing e.g. de cluttering your home or taking a bath
- Appreciate and accept where we are right now and what we have inside of us so we can move forwards in our life with more ease and contentment.
- Not looking externally for happiness
- Do the things that you feel a burning passion towards and also see past the limiting thoughts, burn past the impurities.
- Taking the time to get to know yourself like you would others. Observe your thoughts like they are someone else’s.
- “Study thyself, discover the divine” - Patanjali
- Understand that there is something bigger than ourselves
- Let go of the things that we can’t control
Lesson 3: Asana
A short & sweet video discussing the 3rd limb of yoga, Asana (postures) - one you are probably all very familiar with already!
Lesson 4. Pranayama
Pranayama is the Yogic practice of breath control ‘Prana’ means Life Force & ‘Yama’ means control.
Pranayama has many amazing benefits such as… Improving your digestive system, boosting your immune system, aiding sleep, improving lung function, bringing mindfulness & so much more! It is a practice that you may have done with me throughout my classes - but I also recommend bringing Pranayama into your every day life. It’s a great way to connect to the present moment and lift any stagnant energy you may be holding in the body.
Lesson 5. Pratyahara
Pratyahara translates to ‘Withdrawal of Senses’ - it is the practice of disconnecting from external distractions and instead drawing our energy inwards. Pratyahara is an effective tool to find stillness and mindfulness. It is a way of not giving in to the prison of our minds & instead, connect back to our true essence.
Lesson 6. Dharana
Dharana translates to ‘Concentration’. Practicing Dharana involves fixing the mind on one thing, something internal or external. This allows us to find focus & strengthen the mind in preparation for meditation (Dhyana).
Lesson 7. Dhyana
Dhyana translate to ‘Meditation’ - is it the state in which we no longer see it as a meditation practice, it’s a state of complete immersion where we can no longer separate from our meditation. For example, instead of ‘concentrating’ on something (breath, light, object, etc.) we become one with it.
Lesson 8. Samadhi
Samadhi is the final limb of yoga - the state of freedom, liberation & spiritual enlightenment. It’s the complete union with the divine, god, the universe, etc. It’s the state of finding complete contentment & wholeness from within. This is the final stage of your spiritual practice & once you achieve this, you are released from the cycle of reincarnation.